"in the books"

On 24.08.2024 we had our 2nd Annual Meeting at the Nürburgring with one goal - to unite 100 1M Coupés.

Just missed (officially 94) but with the certainty: THAT WAS AWESOME!

Out of 13!!!! countries we had participants - thank you for your participation - what a brilliant community!

Whether young or old, man or woman, a day by fans for fans.

Click on the picture below and you will see the official aftermovie with kind support of M Town Crew.


And of course, many great pictures and memories were created again this year! You can find an excerpt here in the picture gallery.

If you would like to download all the pictures you can find them here, including the video:


A completely new development in 2024 was the fact that we got support from a marketing/event company. This had insurance and processing reasons. The company 3MD, which is based at the Nürburgring, recognized and embraced the community spirit, which was the main criterion for us! One of the managing directors is Misha, he also shot a video of the event, which you can see here.


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